
Why take action?

The scientific community has clearly stated the need to reach net-zero global CO2 emissions by 2050 in order to limit global warming to 1.5°C and to reduce the destructive impacts of climate change on human society and environment. This means that we have to transition to a low carbon economy and sequester and store carbon to balance out any emissions that we cannot abate.

Citizens across the world are demanding
environmental and social action

Studies have shown that consumers are prepared to change their habits, reduce their environmental impact, and put pressure on companies to adopt a more socially and environmentally responsible behaviour.

Governments and investors now recognise that climate change and the continued destruction of nature represent two of the most significant risks to the global economy. Governments across the world are setting new ambitious environmental policies and incentives, and investors are integrating climate and nature-related risks into their investment decision-making. As a result, businesses are under pressure to take action on climate change,  nature protection and restoration.
For businesses to align with science-based net-zero, they must:

•Achieve value-chain emission reductions consistent with the level of abatement required for pathways that limit global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot;
•Neutralise the impact of any source of residual emissions that remains unfeasible to be eliminated by permanently removing an equivalent amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

The Momentum

Several global climate and nature focused initiatives have gained momentum and gathered significant support from businesses, institutions and investors over the last few years:
Science Based Targets Initiative which has mobilised companies to set science-based targets in line with the Paris Agreement;
The Race to Zero Campaign by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, an umbrella coalition of leading net-zero initiatives, which at the end of 2020 was representing 452 cities, 22 regions, 1,101 businesses, 45 of the biggest investors, and 549 universities;
Principles for Responsible Investing network, which in 2020 had 3,038 signatories, 521 asset owners with USD $23.5 trillion assets under management;
The Business for Nature coalition supporting business action on nature with over 500 companies committed to reversing nature loss.
The Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets, led by Mark Carney, is a private sector-led initiative with the goal to scale transparent, verifiable and robust voluntary carbon market to help meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Nature-based Solutions

Nature-based solutions are a crucial part of Voluntary Carbon Markets, harnessing the power of the planet’s natural resources to address the dual climate and biodiversity crises. Done well, nature-based solutions protect and restore vital habitats to increase biodiversity at the same time as reducing atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions by avoiding or removing them.

Land-use change ranks second only to the burning of fossil fuels as the biggest source of emissions that contribute to climate change. Investing in tropical rainforests to sequester and store carbon can have a significant beneficial climate impact; according to the IPCC, reducing deforestation and forest degradation rates represents one of the most effective and robust options for climate change mitigation.

What makes us different

Highest integrity climate abatement, compensation and neutralisation solutions

Long-term verified emission reductions solutions

Projects with high community engagement, local support and significant co-benefits

Let us harness the power of nature together

Get in touch and through a long-term partnership, we can mitigate the impact of global climate change together.